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Pug Pit (Pitbull & Pug Mix): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove


Height: 14–16 inches
Weight: 23–34 pounds
Lifespan: 10–13 years
Colors: Blue, black, red, brown, gray, black and white, brindle
Suitable for: Active families, those looking for a low-shedding dog
Temperament: Intelligent and loyal. Affectionate, gentle, and sweet. Stubborn yet protective.

The Pug Pit is a designer hybrid that is a cross between an American Pitbull Terrier and a Pug. They are known by several different names including Pit-A-Pug, Pug-A-Bull, and PugBull. This pooch was bred to have the best traits of both their parents making them a sweet, fiercely loyal, and protective dog. Their high intelligence makes them a quick study for training, although their stubborn side can give you a run for your money.

All of these things are important to know when you are deciding whether or not the Pug Pit is right for you. Of course, there are many other aspects of their temperament and care that you should get to know, as well.

divider 10Pug Pit Puppies

pugpit puppy
Image Credit: msgrafixx, Shutterstock

If you are interested in one of these adorable pups, you will find an active, snarling, rambunctious puppy much like any other young dog. Bred from two purebred canines, the hybrid Pug Pit is best described by looking at their parents. For example, the American Pitbull Terrier is an active, intelligent, and loyal breed that has had a bad rep for being aggressive.

Once used as a fighting dog, this breed is not likely to attack or bite a human. Instead, they love to cuddle, be part of the group, and play. On the Pug side, you will find another intelligent and loyal dog that is playful, friendly, and sweet.

When you combine these two breeds, you end up with a puppy that is eager to play, cuddle on your lap, and go for rides. They also need to be trained as early as possible. As both of their parents can have a stubborn streak, you will need to have a lot of patience and kindness. If you are a new pet parent, this pooch might not be the best candidate for you.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Pug Pit

1. Pug Pit Appearance

The look of the Pug Pit can vary, but for the most part, they have the face of a Pug with the body of a Pitbull. Usually, they are smaller in the body than a Pit but larger than a Pug making them an average or medium size dog.

2. Accommodations

When you think of a Pitbull, you typically think of needing a lot of space for them to stretch their legs. The Pug Pit has an average energy level, and they will be comfortable in a house, condo, or apartment as long as they get proper exercise.

3. A Working Toy

The Pug Pit comes from a working and toy background. This leads to a dog that is intelligent, quick to learn, and very comfortable sitting on you regardless of their size.

Parent Breeds of the Pug Pit
Image Credit: Jumpstory

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Pug Pit 🧠

The Pug Pit is an intelligent dog with a lot to give to their prospective owners. First, they are very loyal and protective. Any strangers that come unannounced will not be met with a wagging tail. That being said, they are not known to be aggressive. Instead, you will get a bark and perhaps a growl.

Although they are not aggressive and unlikely to bite, their Pitbull nature gives them a bit of a prey drive. In that sense, they will chase smaller animals. They’ll be quick to go after a squirrel or bird in the yard, but it’s usually all in good fun. That being said, they will also protect you from other animals including strange dogs. Of course, they react the same way to a balloon, paper towel, or anything else they feel is suspicious.

Outside of that, these pups are sweet, gentle, and loving. They enjoy a good snuggle on the couch and sleeping in a “puppy pile” at night. They want to be included in almost everything, yet they don’t usually suffer from separation anxiety. Their fearless nature also helps in their protective instincts.

Something else you should note about this pooch is their stubbornness. Both of their parents have this trait. They will need to be treated with firm kindness with a strong alpha leader; hence they are not recommended for the novice.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Pit-A-Pug makes an excellent family dog! They enjoy the general chaos of a large family with kids. They want to be part of the group whether that’s going to the grocery store, mowing the lawn, or watching a movie. Their family essentially becomes their “pack” where they believe themselves to be the loyal protector.

They are also good with kids of all ages. They seem to recognize that the “little humans” are always game for kisses, playtime, and lots of treats. They will become very protective of children, as well. However, socializing your dog in their puppy years is important for a well-rounded pet. This is a medium-sized dog that can knock a kid over by accident, too.

Single Families

On the other hand, this pooch will do well with a single-person household. They will become very attached to their owner and be more protective than ever. If you are single, it is even more important that you properly socialize your Pug Pit. This is one instance where they can have some social and separation anxiety. Getting them used to other people and pets will help them feel more confident on their own and in mixed company.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

As we mentioned, this has a lot to do with how well they were socialized when they were young. That being said, the Pug Pit is usually better off as the only dog. They can have some territorial and jealous quirks that make it more difficult to rub along well with a canine roommate.

They get along with other pets such as cats, however. Again, socialization is key. You may also see them bossing your feline around and being greedy with their toys, food, and your time.

Interestingly, the Pug Pit does well with other dogs outside of the home. They can be quite friendly and enjoy a good romp in the park with another furry friend.

American Pit and Pug
Image Credit: Monica Click, Shutterstock

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Things to Know When Owning a Pug Pit:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

This designer breed requires a healthy diet. As a medium-sized dog with an average to high energy level, their meals should reflect their lifestyle. Luckily, this pup does not have a lot of food allergies or restrictions you need to be careful of, but they are prone to weight gain.

With that in mind, you want to go for foods that are high in lean protein and healthy fats. Stay away from meals with a lot of sugar and carbs. You also want to look for foods with fiber, antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and glucosamine. Additional vitamins and minerals are also necessary.

On average, this pup will eat about a cup and a half of food twice a day. They also need treats and other healthy snacks throughout the day. It is important to consult your vet about their diet, though. As your pet moves from their puppy years into adulthood, their nutritional needs will change. Talk to your vet about the best meals to promote their overall health.

Exercise 🐕

The Pit-A-Pug is an active dog that requires daily exercise. That being said, they are not considered a “highly active” pet, either. For the most part, two outings per day will keep them content. A 30-minute walk in the morning and a 30-minute romp in the park in the afternoon is typically sufficient.

Beyond that, they will also need some indoor or backyard playtime. Spending some time throwing a ball to your pet will do wonders. As we talked about before, this pooch is okay to spend some time alone, as well. It is important, though, that you provide them with toys. Bones or other toys they can chew on are essential.

Your Pug Pit can be destructive if you don’t give them proper exercise. They can bark, chew, dig, and show other behaviors you will not be happy about. They can also become more stubborn, aggressive, and depressed. Being bored is not a good state for them to be in as they will find ways to entertain themselves.

Other Requirements

Besides the basic exercise requirements, you also want to be careful about the elements. As you probably guessed, this breed is not a good candidate to be a backyard dog. Spending time outside alone is not off-limits, though.

You need to be careful of overheating with this breed. This is especially true if they have the upturned snout of the Pug. Shade and plenty of water are important along with rest when the weather is hot and humid.

Additionally, the Pug Pit has a short fur coat that is not equipped for freezing temperatures. In fact, they are not a fan of the cold, whatsoever. They will need a coat or sweater if they will be outside for extended periods. You can also think about socks or snowshoes when there is ice or snow on the ground. Again, make sure not to overdo it in extreme climates.

Training 🦮

Training the Pug Pit is going to take time, patience, and consistency. That is something you should know right away. Although they are very intelligent, they will want to do things their way. They also need an “alpha” to follow and look for cues on how to behave.

It’s very important to know that setting yourself up as the alpha does not require any yelling, hitting, or dominance over the dog. It is more about being consistent and rewarding positive behaviors. When you stay firm on an issue (such as “no, stay off the couch”), it reiterates to them that you are the boss. Don’t give in to the puppy face with a treat if they have not been good.

On the other hand, positive reinforcement does wonders with this breed. Tossing them a treat when they do well will help them pick up the rules quickly. You can use this method for behavioral, obedience, and social training.

Just keep in mind, you will not be able to train your pup in a day or even a week. Consistency and repetition are key. Spend a few minutes a few times a day on these activities, and they will pick it up. If you feel more frustrated on a particular day, let it go and start fresh tomorrow. Remember, they take their cues from you!

Grooming ✂️

Unlike training, grooming the Pit-A-Pug is easier than most. With their short, straight fur, they do not produce a lot of shed. You should give them a good brush with a slicker bristle brush a few times a week. You may need to do it more often during the change of seasons, however.

You can also restrict baths to an as-needed basis. You do not want to throw them in the tub too often as it can strip their fur of its natural oils that are used to keep their fur shiny and soft. You also want to make sure they are dried completely when the weather is cold to keep them from catching a chill.

Ears, Teeth, and Paws

You will also want to check their ears a few times a week for signs of infection, mites, and other debris. You can wipe their ears clean with a cotton ball or other soft cloth, and a dog ear cleaning solution. Additionally, you must check their teeth. Brushing as often as possible is recommended. This pup can have some gnarly puppy breath, so dental treats are also advised.

Finally, you will need to trim their nails. A guillotine trimmer usually works best. How often this is done can vary. If you take your pooch out often, their nails will take longer to grow as they are being naturally filed down. This is especially true if you live in a rural area where they are walking on a lot of pavement. As a general rule, if you can hear their nails clicking on the floor, you know it’s time to get down to business.

Keep in mind, if you start a grooming routine when your dog is a puppy, they will get used to it quickly, and most even come to enjoy it. On the other hand, if you adopt an older dog who is not used to grooming, there is nothing wrong with seeking help. Trimming their nails can be especially tough. It’s better to get professional help than cut too far leaving your pet with a bad memory and a bleeding paw.

Health and Conditions ❤️

One reason people crossbreed is to try and eliminate the illness and health conditions pure breeds suffer from. Unfortunately, if a parent is predisposed to illness, their offspring is likely to be, as well. Below, we have outlined the more serious and minor health conditions you could run into with your pet.

Minor Conditions
  • Weight gain
  • Ear infections
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Dental issues
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Heart disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar luxation
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Pug encephalitis

It’s important that you bring your Pug Pit to the vet on a regular basis. Annual check-ups will not only ensure they are in good health, but they can also pinpoint issues before they become serious. What’s more, if you feel something is off with your pet, find professional assistance right away.

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We hope you have enjoyed this overview of the Pug Pit designer breed. This is a sweet-natured, loyal, and protective pooch that will be happy to spend their days by your side. They enjoy an active lifestyle, a good cuddle, and even the bigger pups will happily sit on your lap.

Overall, the Pug Pit has average care requirements, but training can be more difficult. If you are a first-time dog owner and you have your heart set on this pup, we recommend seeking professional help with obedience and behavioral training, as well as socialization. Taking the time to teach your Pug Pit proper behavior at a young age will ensure happy days with your new and amazing pet!

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Featured Image Credit: SikorskiFotografie, Shutterstock

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