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Dogue De Boxer (Boxer & Dogue De Bordeaux Mix): Info, Pics, Traits

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Dogue De Boxer (Boxer & Dogue De Bordeaux Mix)

Height: 23–24 inches
Weight: 72–110 pounds
Lifespan: 10–13 years
Colors: Brown, white, black, red
Suitable for: Guard dog, working
Temperament: Alert, courageous, lovable

The Dogue de Boxer, or DDB dog, is a hybrid mixture of the Boxer and the Dogue de Bordeaux. These two dogs are giants of the dog world. Boxers are a large breed, and the Dogue de Bordeaux is a giant breed. Together, they produce enormous pups.

They weigh an average of 90 pounds but have a soft heart. Many people use them as guard dogs for their business or their family. They appreciate having a job, and without enough to occupy their minds, they become destructive. Make sure you are ready to take on the challenges of adopting an enormous, energetic dog before investing in one.

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Dogue de Boxer Puppies


The Dogue de Boxer is a relatively costly hybrid. They are pretty new to the scene of designer dogs, which can make them more challenging to track down.

Once you find a Dogue de Boxer, make sure to check the parent’s health, as well as the background of the breeder. Be prepared for the other costs that they can incur, primarily because of their size. They eat a large amount and may need frequent veterinary treatments, depending on their health.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Dogue de Boxer

1. The Boxer Has a History of Bull Baiting.

The Boxer makes up one-half of this rare mixture. When you think of both dogs, they come across as “bruisers.” They are thick with muscles and have alert eyes. They miss nothing and are ready for everything.

Much of their character has been trained in the dogs. They were initially developed in Germany in the 1800s as guard dogs, dogfighters, and, most notably, bull baiters. Many believe that they came from the Tibetan Mastiffs, who were fighting dogs themselves.

They lost popularity after being involved with the Germans during World War I. As many countries use them in their police forces today, Germany used them in their military. However, after the war, their reputation grew unabated and continued actively even throughout the Second World War.

The Boxer received their name from the way they jump onto their hind legs and use their front paws while fighting. People thought that it appeared as though they were “boxing” their opponent.

2. The Dogue de Bordeaux has a mysterious past.

The Dogue de Bordeaux came about in the Middle Ages in France. Not much has been entirely verified about the dogs and their past. Their bloodline survived through several wars, kingdoms, and conquests.

Some speculate that their heritage lies as far back as the Roman times. They influenced the lineage of many types of dogs that inherited their muscular appearance and intimidating approach.

3. Giant dog breeds are often the most sensitive kind of dog.

Frequently, small dogs suffer from small dog syndrome, making them aggressive and vocal. Giant dogs have nothing to be afraid of, though. They have no sense of danger because everything else is smaller, weaker, or slower than they are.

This means that they have big, sensitive hearts. Although many are not keen on strangers, they want consistent affection from their families. They often love to cuddle and always want to be close.

Parent Breeds of the Dogue de Boxer
Photo Credit: (L) otsphoto, Shutterstock | (R) Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Dogue de Boxer 🧠

The fact that they are such a big and intimidating dog does not mean they are dangerous to the people they know. The Dogue de Boxer is fierce-looking but family-oriented and always prefers to be around their people. They have exceptionally loving personalities and like being as close to their favorites as possible.

Dogue de Boxers are brave and are the ultimate protectors. They are often used as capable guard dogs but don’t have the desire to be aggressive. The parents of the Dogue de Boxer are both intelligent and continuously alert.

Although they can sometimes express stubbornness, they pick up new commands quickly. Part of their care requires mental stimulation so they do not become bored and destructive.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Dogue de Boxers usually do well in families. They love to be around people whom they know they can trust. They are protectors, so they won’t leave their side if a child needs a bodyguard. They are loving and non-aggressive to their family.

However, you must be careful when having them around little children because they might not always recognize their size.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The Dogue de Boxer needs to be socialized early to ensure they get along with other pets. They are not anti-social, but since they tend to be protective, they can be territorial. Regular training may be required to ensure that your dog knows how to behave appropriately around other animals.

Divider 4Things to Know When Owning a Dogue de Boxer

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

The Dogue de Boxer has one of the highest diet requirements of any hybrid dog. On average, they need to consume around 4 cups of food a day. This amount should satisfy their bulk, keep them muscular, and provide sustenance for their active days.

When looking for a brand to feed your Dogue de Boxer, avoid low-quality food. It is akin to feeding them empty calories, which they can do nothing with after digestion. Instead, provide them with food that is high in protein. It gives them the necessary nutrients to build muscle mass and provide energy.

Exercise 🐕

Exercise is vital when you own a Dogue de Boxer. They can do a great deal of damage if they do not get enough. They need at least 60 to 120 minutes of low to moderate exercise each day.

If you like walking or running with your dog, aim to go at least 12 miles weekly. This should satisfy their daily exercise requirement if it’s spread out throughout the week. Giving them space to run around is essential.

They are not the best dogs to consider if you live in an apartment. The combination of little space and an active mind quickly leads to boredom and destructiveness.

Training 🦮

Training is not a challenging endeavor with a Dogue de Boxer. They want to be mentally engaged and enjoy pleasing their trainer. Make sure to give them plenty of positive feedback so they know they have pleased you.

You can train them to become watchdogs or guard dogs. If you are unsure how to accomplish it, you can hire a trainer specialized in training guard dogs. You don’t want your dog to think that they should react to someone who is harmless because of inadequate training.

Do not use physical discipline while training your Dogue de Boxer. They don’t react well to it and will either cease listening and respecting you or may act out to protect themselves. You don’t want the Dogue de Boxer to develop aggressive tendencies.

Grooming ✂️

The Dogue de Boxer is high maintenance when considering their daily activity needs. However, when it comes to grooming, there is little management required. They have a thin coat that grows short and close to their body and do not shed much. You can brush them a couple of times a week to keep their coat healthy.

Brush your dog’s teeth at least twice weekly to avoid dental issues. They can have somewhat floppy ears, so make sure to clean them out and dry them so they don’t suffer from an ear infection.

They should get enough exercise that they won’t need their nails trimmed often. However, check them at least once a month since nails that grow too long can end up causing your dog pain.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Due to their large size and the health issues commonly suffered by the parents, Dogue de Boxers have a predisposition to heart diseases. However, it’s best to take them for a vet checkup once or twice a year. Many diseases are severe and should be caught as early as possible. Since they are a hybrid, they have developed a certain amount of hybrid vigor.

Minor Conditions
  • Entropion
  • Ectropion
  • Cataracts
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Brachycephalic syndrome
Serious Conditions
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Pulmonic stenosis
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Subaortic stenosis

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Male vs Female

There are no recognizable differences between males and females, but the Dogue de Boxer is a new hybrid, and slight differences may become more apparent in the future.

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Final Thoughts

Anyone can look into the eyes of a Dogue de Boxer and see a vigilant and intelligent dog. They are dogs that want to follow commands and be assured that what they are doing is precisely what their trainer desires. This giant dog is loving and friendly with their family.

They like to be around their people but don’t struggle with time alone as long as they get enough exercise. With the Dogue de Boxer, you’ll have a guard dog, a watchdog, a protector, a friend, and a cuddle buddy wrapped into one furry package. Who wouldn’t want such a dog?

Featured Image Credit: Csanad Kiss, Shutterstock

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