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5 DIY Dog Muzzles You Can Make at Home (With Pictures)

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Siberian husky wearing rubber muzzle

Everyone has an opinion about whether or not dog muzzles are cruel. While the debate of their long-term use is still up in the air, you may find yourself in a situation that you need a quick makeshift muzzle right then and there.

Another issue is how expensive commercial muzzles can be. There are a few DIY dog muzzle patterns available that you can make at home. While some are for one-time use, others can be a long-lasting alternative.

Regardless of the muzzle debate, you may need to muzzle your dog for a multitude of reasons. If you’re in need of an emergency muzzle tutorial or you’re trying to save money by making one at home, here is a helpful list of DIY dog muzzle plans that will teach you how to make a dog muzzle at home.

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Top 5 DIY Dog Muzzle Plans

1. DIY Dog Muzzle – The Honest Kitchen

DIY dog muzzle
Image Credit: Thehonestkitchen
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Materials: Dog leash

This DIY Dog Muzzle is not only easy to make but only requires your dog’s leash. This is one of the fastest DIY Dog Muzzles on this list, with no other materials needed. It’s important not to tie it too tight or you may cause pain or discomfort in the dog being muzzled.

2. Dog Muzzle Out Of Gauze Or Fabric – Dogtime

DIY dog muzzle
image Credit: Dogtime
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Materials: Gauze

This makeshift muzzle is similar to the dog leash muzzle. It’s simple and effective in a pinch, when you may not have a muzzle on hand. Make sure to securely fasten the fabric to prevent escaping but ensure that it’s not on too tight to cause harm.

3. Gentle for Whiskers Muzzle – Instructables

DIY dog muzzle
Image Credit: Instructables
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Materials: Yarn, knitting needles, scissors, tape measure

If you need a muzzle for nonaggressive dogs, this knitted muzzle is gentle on the whiskers and not too difficult to make. You do need to know how to do basic knitting techniques, so this may not be the fastest option if you’re new to knitting. This pattern is also not recommended for aggressive or reactive dogs.

4. Soda Bottle Muzzle

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Materials: Large soda bottle, electrical tape, gauze, scissors, ruler, pen/marker

This DIY dog muzzle is a quick and easy muzzle made with a large soda bottle and some tape. While it may not be the prettiest muzzle, it certainly will keep you and your dog safe. This muzzle is also great if you don’t have any sewing or knitting skills.

5. DIY Dog Halter/ Head Collar

DIY dog muzzle
Image By: Instructables
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Materials: Buckle, Triglide fasteners, (3) O rings, fabric tape measure, lengths of soft nylon webbing or nylon webbing wrapped in fabric, scissors, Tailor’s chalk (optional)

While not technically a dog muzzle, this DIY Dog Halter/Head Collar can still be used to desensitize your dog to a traditional muzzle. This pattern is not for beginners, but it can be done quickly if you’re skilled with a sewing machine. This DIY Head Collar is also a great alternative to buying one at the store.

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Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these DIY dog muzzle patterns will give you some ideas should you need to make one. Before muzzling any dog, it’s important that the dog is calm enough to be handled. Never try to force a muzzle on a dog that is in a reactive manner. When in doubt, ask your veterinarian or a dog trainer for professional advice.

Featured Image Credit: Ana Gram, Shutterstock

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