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Cojack (Jack Russell Terrier & Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix) Info, Pictures, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Cojack (Jack Russell Terrier & Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix)

Height: 10–13 inches
Weight: 18–28 pounds
Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Colors: Black, white, black and white, black and tan, white and tan
Suitable for: Families, active couples, or singles
Temperament: Affectionate, loyal, active, energetic, lively

The energetic Cojack is a hybrid mix of a Jack Russell terrier and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They are medium-sized dogs with short legs, large pointy ears, and a lively and friendly personality. These dogs are family-friendly and love to be around their owners. They are ideal little companion dogs that love to cuddle on their owner’s lap, but their terrier instincts are strong, so they still have a powerful hunting instinct. These dogs are eager to please, so training is usually a breeze, and they’ll love any excuse to spend time with their owner. A brief look at these dog’s parent breeds can help us get a better understanding of these energetic pooches.

Jack Russell Terriers have their heritage reaching as far back as 200 years, when they were originally bred for hunting foxes. They have a fearless and boundless personality and are easy to train, making them a favorite among dog sport enthusiasts, hunters, and active owners. They came about thanks to Parson John “Jack” Russell, who wanted a small but efficient hunting companion.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a small herding dog that originated in Wales. They are one of the smallest dogs in the herding group, with a tendency to bark at almost everything. They are low-set dogs with a long neck and sturdy build. They are friendly and loving pooches that love to cuddle, but due to their heritage, they are also great dogs for active owners.

If you feel like the Cojack may be the dog for you, keep reading our in-depth guide below to find out more about this energetic pooch.

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Cojack Puppies


These dogs are energetic little pooches that need a fair amount of exercise to keep them happy and out of trouble. Although they are great family dogs, they don’t like to be left alone for extended periods. So, before you decide to bring home a Cojack puppy, you’ll need to make sure that you have the time and patience that’s needed for these balls of energy.

They are small animals and are great for apartments and houses with small backyards, but they’ll need to be taken out for vigorous exercise on a daily basis. The Cojack is a generally healthy dog breed, but it’s essential to have them regularly checked by a vet to prevent any health issues the breed parents are prone to.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Cojack

1. They have a long and interesting history

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are thought to have first been bred almost 3,000 years ago in Wales. They were initially a part of one breed that included the similar Cardigan Welsh Corgi but were eventually split apart. The Cardigan is the older of the two and were originally bred as herding dogs—their short legs made them well-placed to nip at the heels of cattle. Legend has it that these dogs were an “enchanted dog,” loved by fairies and elves, and were used by them to ride and pull their carts. The distinctive markings on their bark resemble where the saddle and harness were supposed to have been mounted.

Jack Russell’s were first bred in the mid-1800s by a reverend who had a passion for hunting. They were bred expressly for fox hunting. They are agile and have a small and compact body for sneaking down holes, and their unique coloring makes them difficult to see in the bush.

2. They are famous!

Corgis have a well-known association with Queen Elizabeth II, who has had over 30 of them in her lifetime! The breed is synonymous with British Royalty and has earned a reputation as a royal lapdog. Other than the Queen, they have also been the favored breed of Stephen King, Betty White, and Kirstie Alley.

Jack Russells also have a small royal association, being the beloved companion of Prince Charles. They have also been owned by several celebrities, including Audrey Hepburn, Marah Carey, and Paul McCartney.

3. They love to dig

With the Jack Russell’s fox hunting heritage, it may come as no surprise that these dogs love to dig. Their small stature is ideal for burrowing down into foxholes, and your back and may become the perfect spot for them to exercise this habit if they are not correctly trained.

Corgis have a long herding history, so they will thrive from having a dedicated job to do. When left to their own devices, they will dig up the backyard and leave it littered with holes if they get too bored or don’t get enough exercise.

This propensity for digging is commonly passed down to Cojacks, and they’ll need consistent training, exercise, and stimulation if you don’t want your yard littered with ankle-twisting holes.

Parent Breeds of the Cojack
Photo Credit: Jumpstory

Temperament & Intelligence of the Cojack 🧠

The Cojack is an energetic and playful breed that likes to stay active and entertained at all times. While they are great companion dogs, the parent breeds were both bred with specific purposes in mind. This trait may not exhibit itself as the herding and hunting of their heritage, but it will come out as an abundance of energy that needs strong direction.

They are friendly dogs that love to be around their owners and will often delight in new faces and unknown dogs they can potentially make friends with. They are rarely aggressive, and if anything, will just try and herd other dogs and pets. They can be independent at times but are generally clingy dogs that become strongly attached to their owners. This is not a good choice of dog if you are away from home frequently, as they will suffer from separation anxiety and likely cause chaos while you’re away.

The Cojack is not prone to a huge amount of barking, but enough to be on alert when a stranger is around. They consequently don’t make great guard dogs, as they are often too late to sound the alarm!

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Cojacks are great family dogs, and your kids will love them as much as they will love your kids. They love to play and will enthusiastically join in on family activities outdoors. They are also great lapdogs and will adore ending a busy day on their owner’s lap.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Yes! If they are socialized early, they will make loyal friends with other dogs and pets. They do have a strong prey drive, though, and a propensity for herding. They may try and herd or even hunt smaller family pets if not trained and socialized properly.

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Things to Know When Owning a Cojack

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

The Cojack’s high energy and boundless enthusiasm burn a large number of calories, and they have a fast metabolism. So, while they are small to medium-sized dogs and don’t require large amounts of food, they will need the highest quality food possible. This includes adequate amounts of protein, which is best obtained from lean meats.

Your Cojack will need between 1 and 2 cups of dry kibble a day, ideally split into two meals to keep their high-powered engines running. We recommend substituting this with canned food and lean meats occasionally, as they will benefit greatly from the extra protein to give them added energy. Table scraps and unhealthy treats with ingredients like wheat, sugar, and fat should be avoided as much as possible.

These energetic little pooches will need a great deal of hydration, and clean, fresh water should be constantly available.

Exercise 🐕

These dogs are high-energy animals with a huge energy reserve to burn off, so they need a fair amount of exercise. Two sessions of around 30 minutes each a day should be sufficient, but these little pooches will go for as long as you let them! They need mental, as well as physical, stimulation and will enjoy playing engaging games with their owners that challenge their minds and bodies.

With their strong herding and hunting heritage, they will love playing interactive games with their owners like fetch and frisbee, and this will be a great bonding opportunity with your pooch. Jack Russells excel at agility sports, so it may be a good idea to get involved in a club to give your Cojack added stimulation and purposeful exercise.

Training 🦮

Cojacks are eager to please, intelligent dogs, and training them is generally a breeze. They are fast learners, and you can get started training them with simple commands at a fairly young age. In fact, basic training should begin from the moment you bring your puppy home! Teaching your dog to respond to instructions consistently not only makes your life easier but could save your dog’s life too. These basic commands are instrumental in a good training foundation.

Cojacks have a hunting and herding history, so good leash training is essential. If these dogs are let off the leash and something catches their eye, they will likely be after it in an instant, and this is where diligent command training comes in.

We highly recommend reward-based methods for training your Cojack. This is a gentle method that relies on rewarding good behavior and ignoring bad behavior. The keys to good training using this method are consistency and patience, and with the praise they so adore, your pooch will be responding to basic commands in no time. These dogs will also excel at learning complex orders and tricks, so they can go far beyond basic training if you have the time and inclination.

Grooming ✂️

Cojacks are fairly low-maintenance pooches. They will only require brushing occasionally and a bath if they get really dirty. It’s a good idea to check their ears regularly for any signs of redness or infection and to make sure that their nails are not too long. Long nails can cause extreme discomfort and eventually lead to infection or injury. Regular teeth brushing is highly recommended, as it will help prevent any periodontal diseases and keep your pooch’s breath minty fresh.

Health and Conditions ❤️

This breed is usually fairly healthy without any major breed-specific issues and has the benefit of the hybrid vigor found in crossbreeds. They can inherit common genetic issues from their parent breeds, though, and may suffer from conditions commonly associated with small dogs. These include supernumerary teeth, hip and elbow dysplasia, and intervertebral disc disease. They are also known for excessive trembling, a trait inherited from Jack Russells.

Ear infections are fairly common due to these dog’s floppy ears, in addition to unilateral deafness, a condition of partial deafness where only one ear is affected. The small legs and bodies of these dogs can lead to musculoskeletal issues like hip dysplasia and patella luxation, so you should avoid letting them get overweight.

Minor Conditions
  • Bloat
  • Obesity
  • Ear infections
  • Epilepsy
  • Supernumerary teeth
  • Unilateral deafness
  • Trembling
Serious Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patella luxation
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Von Willebrand’s disease

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Male vs. Female Cojack Dogs

The last decision to make before you adopt your Cojack puppy is whether to get a male or female. All dogs have their own unique character and personality that is dictated more by their upbringing and environment than their gender. Additionally, a neutered male and spayed female will lead to a happier dog all-round, as well as make most of these differences mild or non-existent.

In general, there are hardly any differences between male and female Cojacks. Male Cojacks are slightly more athletic and friendly and are known to be slightly more sociable. Female Cojacks are generally more affectionate toward their owners, are slightly smaller than males, and are less likely to display aggression. In the end, it comes down to personal preference, as there is no real good reason to choose one over the other.

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These high-energy dogs will make a great addition to any family unit. They are friendly, non-aggressive pooches that tolerate children well, and make fast friends with other pets. They are a great choice for active owners and a perfect running or hiking companion. Cojacks are easy to train, have low-maintenance grooming needs, and few health issues to speak of. Their small stature and low propensity for barking make them a great option for apartment living or owners with limited space, although also make them less-than-ideal guard dogs!

If you are looking for an active companion who can join you outdoors and who will still cuddle on your lap in the evening, look no further than the sweet and fun-loving Cojack!

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Dee Dalasio, Shutterstock

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