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Dober Pit (Doberman & Pitbull Mix): Info, Pictures, Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Doberman and Pitbull Mix

Height: 22–28 inches
Weight: 35–80 pounds
Lifespan: 10–14 years
Colors: White, gray, brown, brindle, black, tan, golden
Suitable for: Active and experienced dog owners who will be home often. Single-pet homes without small children
Temperament: Loyal and highly intelligent. Lively, active, and sweet. Confident, loving with some stubbornness.

What can we say about the Doberman and Pitbull mix breed? This designer breed has many different sides with many traits. Known as a controversial hybrid, this highly intelligent and active pup is sometimes revered and sometimes feared. Also called the Pit Pinscher, or our personal favorite, the Dober Pit, this handsome canine has more to him than you would think.

As there are many opposing opinions on this particular breed, we wanted to give you a thorough rundown of this pooch. We will cover all the basics and the not-so-basic details, so you can decide whether or not the Dober Pit is right for you. Keep reading below where we will share info on their puppy years, temperament, and background. We will also cover the Doberman and Pitbull mix’s care guidelines, plus much more.

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Doberman and Pitbull Mix Puppies

Doberman and Pitbull Puppy Mix


There is a lot to say about the Dober Pit puppy, but before we get into that, it’s important to understand where this dog comes from. When it comes to designer breeds, there is no telling which parent the pup will take after most.

One-half of the Dober Pit is the American Pitbull Terrier. This breed originated in the UK sometime in the early 1800s. As a working breed, they were originally used for bull and bear-baiting. When this entertainment was eventually outlawed, it was replaced by dog fighting. Unfortunately, this is where the Pitbull gets their aggression as breeders designed them to be aggressive toward other animals to win more fights.

Highly intelligent, active, and loyal, this pooch continues to get a bad rap. In fact, they get more bad press than any other breed of canine. Raised in the proper environment, however, this pooch can be an excellent and loving companion.

The other half of the Dober Pit is the Doberman Pinscher. This active and intelligent dog was bred in 1890 by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. As a letter carrier, Dobermann wanted a dog that would be scary-looking yet loyal to accompany him into less-than-stellar neighborhoods, and he succeeded! Agile, bright, and very loyal, the Doberman Pinscher has also had a bad rep. Often used as a guard dog, they are considered by many as aggressive, although they can be very affectionate, loving, and sweet-natured.

As you can imagine, mixing two breeds that are considered “aggressive” has caused some controversy. As puppies, however, these little rascals are full of toothy antics. They are playful, smart, and yes, they will chew on whatever poor item is left on the floor. They require a lot of attention, early charm, and obedience classes, and a lot of socialization right away.

It is important to note that this breed is not recommended for the novice owner. Experience with either parent breed or other large and dominant dogs is important for their well-being, as well as yours and others. That being said, this puppy can grow into a loving, loyal, and great companion.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Doberman and Pitbull Mix

1. War Heroes

Although the Dober Pit is too young to remember, both of their parents acted as scouts, messengers, and other vital positions during wartime. The Doberman held these positions for the British and her Allies during WWII, while the Pit Bull had this distraction during the First World War.

2. The Face and Body

Although it can vary to a degree, for the most part, the Dober Pit will have the face of a Pitbull with the body of a Doberman.

3. False Accusations

One of the more common fears about these two breeds is that they are aggressive toward humans, and they bite. Although they can bite (all dogs can) both parent dogs have a strong unwillingness to bite a human. This is especially true in the Pit Bull’s case.

Parent breeds of the Dober Pit
Image Credit: Left – Viktoria B., Pexels | Right – YamaBSM, Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Doberman and Pitbull Mix 🧠

This is where we get into the nitty-gritty of the situation. As mentioned, it is hard to determine which traits the Dober Pit will inherit from their parents. That being said, there are some commonalities owners have reported. The Pit Pinscher is usually very intelligent, agile, and alert. They are very loyal dogs and can be very sweet and affectionate to their owners.

This canine requires someone with a firm hand and experience. This dog can be strong-willed and stubborn, yet with patience, care, and training, they can make excellent companions. Typically, this pooch will be very confident and even pushy. They are wary of strangers; therefore, they make great watchdogs.

Both parent breeds have also had difficulty with separation anxiety. They do better in homes where someone will be there most of the time. They can also be jealous of other animals or even people. They will include themselves whether you like it or not. Of course, this can also make them affectionate, sweet, and gentle. They will cuddle as quickly as they will chase a rabbit…which brings us to our next point.

Due to their “working years”, these dogs can have some aggression toward other animals. While they might bark at a stranger, they are likely to chase and try to catch another smaller animal. If socialized young and consistently, the Dober Pit can get along with a cat or other pet, but it is in their nature to chase.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

This is another question that can only be determined by the individual dog. That being said, unless you are getting a tiny Dober Pit puppy, and you have extensive experience, this breed is not recommended for homes with smaller children. Quite frankly, it is due to the kids’ size and sounds.

As this breed has a strong prey instinct, a toddler can move and shriek like something the pup would want to chase. Also, this canine is very strong and could knock over a child (or an elderly adult) by accident. What’s more, the Doberman and Pitbull mix likes to nip. They will nip at ears and toes or other small body parts as a show of affection when they are excited. Even though it’s a sign of love, it can be startling for someone small or if you don’t know it’s coming.

That being said, this pet does well with families with older children. They are not typically bothered by daily activity in the household. As mentioned, many of these dogs suffer from separation anxiety, so having someone home at all times is a plus.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Again, if you can socialize your puppy consistently at an early age and continue with the training, they can do well with other pets. On the other hand, they will typically maintain their dominance around other animals. Behaviors such as guarding their food dish or jealousy if too much attention is given to another pet are likely.

doberman pit
Credit: alejandro contreras, Unsplash



Things to Know When Owning a Doberman Pitbull Mix:

So far, we know these pets are loyal, active, and intelligent. They can be jealous and stubborn, but also protective, loyal, and affectionate. These are important traits to consider but by no means the only aspects of this breed. Below, we will take a look at more practical matters when owning a Dober Pit.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

When it comes to their diet, the Dober Pit is much like any other active breed. They require a healthy and well-balanced diet consisting of lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber. They also need other vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins D, C, E, etc, and they benefit from glucosamine to strengthen their joints.

You want to ensure your pet is getting enough protein and fat to maintain their active lifestyle. They should also consume up to 30 calories per pound of body fat. Additionally, this breed does better with either a dry or freeze-dried meal. About three-cups spread throughout the day is usually sufficient with some added wholesome snacks and treats in the interim.

Both parent breeds have few dietary restrictions, so the choice of recipe will depend on your pooch. They are also known to be picky eaters. Of course, you should also speak with your vet regarding how much food they should be eating and any other restrictions they may need.

Exercise 🐕

As mentioned, this designer breed comes from the “working class” parents. They are very muscular, agile, and active. They will require two to three moderate to high-level walks per day not including backyard playtime. They also enjoy hikes, beach runs, jogs, biking, and any other active activity you can think of. The only fact to consider is they have shorter fur, so extended time in freezing temperatures is not recommended.

This intelligent breed is also a fan of games like catch, fetch, and keep away-where you chase them around trying to get the ball back. They benefit from agility courses where both their muscles and mind are engaged. That being said, you will also do well to provide your ankle-biter with chew toys. Long-lasting bones and other toys will keep them entertained and occupied during downtime.

Training 🦮

Training your Dober Pit will require time, patience, love, and energy. Though we don’t mean to sound like a broken record, we highly recommend that you have prior experience with this caliber of dog, or you engage professional assistance for training.

The Dober Pit is a dominant breed that will need a leader to follow. That being said, this is not a “dominance over dog” situation, which incidentally has been proven ill-advised and ineffective. Instead, you need to be patient, calm, and consistent. This breed can also be stubborn, so repetition is the key to success.

The Dober Pit has also done well with positive reinforcement techniques. Guiding them with a firm but gentle hand is the best way to train them in obedience and socialization. As this canine is very loyal and protective, they want to please you. They will need to overcome their independence and stubbornness, but it is well worth it.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming is one of the more mundane aspects of Dober Pit care. Their short to medium-length fur should be brushed weekly to keep the majority of shedding at bay. During the shedding season, you can increase the brushing since they will have a considerable amount. You will also want to clean their ears and brush their teeth every week. Starting this training young will help make this ritual a breeze.

Besides that, you will need to maintain their nails. The claws themselves are thick and hard, so be careful when trimming. It can be painful for your pooch. Outdoor activity can also help file them naturally, but you want to get in the habit of doing it often to make it easier for both of you. Additionally, this breed is prone to skin sensitivities, so you need to monitor them for rashes or other abnormalities. Luckily, the Dober Pit does not have a strong “doggie” smell, so you can keep baths on an “as needed” basis.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Every dog can be in danger of developing certain conditions whether severe or mild. A lot of it has to do with their genetics, but it can also have to do with their diet, handling, and lifestyle. As mentioned above, if you are going through a breeder, it is wise to request the test results for the more serious conditions that the breed’s parents are predisposed toward.

That being said, the Doberman and Pitbull mix is a generally robust breed. They have what is called the “hybrid vigor”. As purebreds have been subjected to generations of inbreeding, many of them end up with serious issues as a result. As the designer breed is not affected by this, they tend to have a better life expectancy and life quality.

Below, we will take a look at some of the more serious concerns and minor concerns your pet could face.

Minor Conditions
  • Gastric torsion
  • Osteosarcoma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Von Willebrand’s disease
  • Skin sensitivities
  • Ear infections
Serious Conditions
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Aortic stenosis
  • CVI

It is important to note that some of the minor concerns are quite serious, yet due to the unlikelihood of them developing the illness, it is considered a minor concern.



Male vs Female

As designer breeds are not recognized by the AKC and some of the breeds are new, a lot of information is not well-documented like the origins of the Dober Pit. The differences between the male and female Dober Pit is one of those areas where there is not a lot of thought, as of yet.

That being said, every animal will have their own personality, and there are a variety of factors that can determine their personality and temperament. Things like genetics, lifestyle, early handling, and health all play a vital role. One of the major aspects of the Dober Pit’s personality is whether or not your pet has been fixed.

Female Dober Pits that are not spayed can be grouchier, more aggressive, less affectionate, and so on. This is especially true during their fertile cycle. Again, each dog can react differently with different ranges of hormonal change. Male Dober Pits can also experience different behaviors due to hormonal changes in their system.

If you are not going to breed your Dober Pit, they should be fixed. It can extend their lifespan, reduce the risk of illness including cancer, plus it will help the overall canine population. As always, this is something you should discuss with your vet to get the full spec on details.

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Final Thoughts

The Dober Pit, or Doberman and Pitbull mix, is a unique and interesting breed. You will find many different opinions on this pet as they are a controversial topic. Due to their “fighting and aggressive” past, they have a bad rep, yet many people have found a loyal and true companion in this dog.

We want to stress that the Dober Pit is not for the faint of heart or inexperienced. Adopting a Dober Pit is a big responsibility, and it is up to you to maintain the quality of life they deserve. If properly trained and taken care of, you will find a pooch that is loving, energetic, highly intelligent, and even affectionate.

This is a pet that will want to be with you the majority of the time. The Dober Pit will guard and protect you while also following your lead on how to behave. The key to success is to instill confidence and love at a young age, so they grow up well-adjusted. Typically, dogs turn to aggression when fear and doubt are at hand. Raising a confident and well-taken-care-of Dober Pit will ensure you have a four-legged friend for life.

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Featured Image Credit: juancmtz_, Pixabay

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